[Zrouter-src] ZRouter.org: push to ZRouter profiles/lua_web_ui/files/etc/www/l...

zrouter-src at zrouter.org zrouter-src at zrouter.org
Mon Sep 24 11:23:54 UTC 2012

details:   http://zrouter.org/hg/zrouter//rev/a581dc308cff
changeset: 471:a581dc308cff
user:      Aleksandr Rybalko <ray at ddteam.net>
date:      Mon Sep 24 14:23:30 2012 +0300
Routing selection helper.
Must switch default route to working interface based on link events.


 profiles/lua_web_ui/files/etc/www/lib/route.lua |  251 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 251 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (255 lines):

diff -r 5da49dd0da64 -r a581dc308cff profiles/lua_web_ui/files/etc/www/lib/route.lua
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/profiles/lua_web_ui/files/etc/www/lib/route.lua	Mon Sep 24 14:23:30 2012 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ROUTE = {};
+local mt = {};
+function ROUTE:new(c, debug)
+    t = {};
+    t.c = c;
+    t.ifaces = {};
+    t.debug = debug;
+    return setmetatable(t, mt);
+wan0		ACTIVE	--	--	KEEP		10000	""		0	--
+wan0pppoe	ACTIVE	GW	DNS	LB|BACKUP|KEEP	10	"Internet"      100	WANLB
+PPP0		DOWN	--	--	BACKUP		1000	"Internet"      0	--
+PPP1		DOWN	--	--	LB|BACKUP|KEEP	10	"Internet"      5	WANLB
+wan1		ACTIVE	--	--	NONE		10000	""		0	--
+wan1pppoe	ACTIVE	--	--	BACKUP|KEEP	100	"Internet"      0	--
+wan2		ACTIVE	--	--	BACKUP		10	"Foreign LAN"   0	--
+IPSEC0		ACTIVE	--	--	BACKUP		100	"Foreign LAN"   0	--
+BACKUP	- iface used as backup for iface group ${GROUP}
+LB	- joined into LoadBalancing group
+Wan0 up
+Wan0ppp down, disabled
+Wan1 up
+Event wan0 down
+function ROUTE:f(name, group, cost, state, linkstate)
+	local iface = {};
+	iface.name = name;
+	if not group or group == "" then
+		iface.group = "MAIN";
+	else
+		iface.group = group;
+	end
+	iface.cost = cost;
+	iface.state = state;
+	iface.keep = true; -- true for most cases, false for 3G link(default)
+	if linkstate then
+		iface.linkstate = linkstate;
+	else
+		iface.linkstate = "LINKDOWN";
+	end
+	iface.createtime = os.time();
+	iface.enabletime = 0;
+	iface.debug = {};
+	iface.debug.updelay = 5;
+	iface.isup =
+		function (self)
+			if self.state == "up" then
+				return (true);
+			end
+			return (false);
+		end;
+	iface.islinkup =
+		function (self)
+			if self.enabletime == 0 then
+				if self.linkstate == "LINKUP" then
+					return (true);
+				end
+				return (false);
+			end
+			if os.time() < (self.enabletime + self.debug.updelay) then
+				return (false);
+			end
+			return (true);
+		end;
+	iface.enable =
+		function (self)
+			print("Enabling iface " .. self.name);
+			-- Init
+			-- Start
+			-- Apply config
+			self.enabletime = os.time();
+			self.state = "up";
+			-- linkstate must be updated by LINKUP event
+		end;
+	iface.disable =
+		function (self)
+			print("Disabling iface " .. self.name);
+			-- Stop
+			-- Clear
+			self.state = "down";
+			self.linkstate = "LINKDOWN";
+			self.enabletime = 0;
+		end;
+	iface.show =
+		function (self)
+			print(self.name .. " (" .. self.group .. ", " ..  self.cost .. "), ",
+			    "State: " .. self.state, " Linked: " .. tostring(self:islinkup()));
+		end;
+	iface.updatelinkstate =
+		function (self, lstate)
+			-- TODO: Filter lstates
+			-- Ignore linkup on disabled ifaces
+			if self.state ~= "up" and lstate == "LINKUP" then
+				return;
+			end;
+			self.linkstate = lstate;
+			-- Handle link state update
+		end
+	iface.wait =
+		function (self, state, max)
+			local count = 0;
+			if state == "LINKUP" then
+				-- Rewrite to match return value of islinkup
+				state = true;
+			elseif state == "LINKDOWN" then
+				state = false;
+			else
+				return nil;
+			end
+			while true do
+				if self:islinkup() == state then
+					break;
+				end
+				if max and count > max then
+					print("Timout");
+					return (nil);
+				end
+				os.execute("sleep 1");
+				count = count + 1;
+			end
+			return (true);
+		end
+	table.insert(self.ifaces, iface);
+	return (0);
+function ROUTE:dump()
+	print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------");
+	for k, i in ipairs(self.ifaces) do
+		i:show();
+	end
+	print("");
+function ROUTE:find_iface(name)
+	for k,i in ipairs(self.ifaces) do
+		print("Find", i.name, name);
+		if i.name == name then
+			return (i);
+		end
+	end
+	return (nil);
+function ROUTE:group_list(group)
+	local list = {};
+	local k,i;
+	for k,i in ipairs(self.ifaces) do
+		if i.group == group then
+			table.insert(list, i);
+		end
+	end
+	return (list);
+function ROUTE:group_sort(list)
+	function link2cost(a)
+		-- iface in link goes before other with equal cost
+		if (a.linkstate == "LINKUP") then
+			return (a.cost * 2);
+		end
+		return ((a.cost * 2) + 1);
+	end
+	table.sort(list,
+	        function (a1, a2)
+	                return (link2cost(a1) < link2cost(a2));
+	        end);
+function ROUTE:maintain_ifgroup(iface)
+	local list, selected = false;
+	list = self:group_list(iface.group);
+	self:group_sort(list);
+	for n,i in pairs(list) do
+		print(i.name, i.cost, i.linkstate)
+		-- If we have already best iface
+		if selected then
+			-- If not best and not keep
+			if i:isup() and not i.keep then
+				-- disable iface
+				i:disable();
+			end
+		end
+		if i:isup() and i:islinkup() and not selected then
+			print(i.name .. " is selected");
+			selected = i;
+		else
+			if not selected and not i:isup() then
+				-- Enable PPP(3G) link
+				i:enable();
+				-- Don't touch selected until PPP went up
+				-- Maybe we have running iface with greater cost
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function ROUTE:event(iface, t)
+	local i = self:find_iface(iface);
+	if not i then
+		return (nil);
+	end
+	if t == "up" then
+		i:updatelinkstate("LINKUP");
+	end
+	if t == "down" then
+		i:updatelinkstate("LINKDOWN");
+	end
+	--[[ other events? ]]
+	self:maintain_ifgroup(i);
+mt.__index = ROUTE;

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