[Zrouter-src] ZRouter.org: push to zconf++ zconf++/tests/test_model.cc

zrouter-src at zrouter.org zrouter-src at zrouter.org
Tue Jan 24 07:52:56 UTC 2012

details:   /rev/4fda6d4d640f
changeset: 55:4fda6d4d640f
user:      "Nicolai Petri <nicolai at petri.dk>"
date:      Tue Jan 24 08:52:24 2012 +0100
Try to make tinderbox happy by not poluting tap output


 zconf++/tests/test_model.cc |  10 +++++-----
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diffs (34 lines):

diff -r adabc0367d5a -r 4fda6d4d640f zconf++/tests/test_model.cc
--- a/zconf++/tests/test_model.cc	Tue Jan 24 08:48:09 2012 +0100
+++ b/zconf++/tests/test_model.cc	Tue Jan 24 08:52:24 2012 +0100
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 	Leaf &L1Ref = M["L1"];
 	ok(M.numChildren() == 2, "Check - still 2 children");
 	L1Ref = "GORAF";
-	cout << "L1 is " << L1Ref << endl;
+	//cout << "L1 is " << L1Ref << endl;
 	ok(M["L1"] == string("GORAF"), "M[L1] match expected GORAF got %s", M["L1"].get_string().c_str());
 	L2[0] = Leaf("foo");		
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
 	BB["nodeid"] = 3;
 	LeafRef Req =  M["nodeid"];
 	Leaf resp = M["system"]["handlers"]["testhandler"].call(Req);
-	cout << "Output of testhandler() action :" << ModelWriter::write(resp, " RESPONSE: ") << endl;
-	cout << "TestHandler description is : " << endl << ModelWriter::write(M["system"]["handlers"]["testhandler"].describe(), " DESCR: ") << endl;
+	//cout << "Output of testhandler() action :" << ModelWriter::write(resp, " RESPONSE: ") << endl;
+	//cout << "TestHandler description is : " << endl << ModelWriter::write(M["system"]["handlers"]["testhandler"].describe(), " DESCR: ") << endl;
 	std::string ModelAsText = ModelWriter::write(M, "");
 	//cout << "Output PREPARSED :" << endl << ModelWriter::write(M, " PREPARSED: ") << endl;
    Json::Reader reader;
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
 //	std::stringstream ss;
 //	ModelWriter::write(ss, NewM, " PARSED2: ");
 //	cout << "Output of PARSER2 :" << endl << ss.str() << endl;
-	cout << ModelAsText << endl;
-	cout << ModelAsTextReparsed << endl;
+	//cout << ModelAsText << endl;
+	//cout << ModelAsTextReparsed << endl;
 	// FIXME: Parsing foo: { } gives foo: null .. it should not matter but is not pretty and makes this test fail
 	ok(ModelAsText == ModelAsTextReparsed, "Model Export/Import/Export comparision");
 //	for (int c=0; c < L2.numChildren(); c++) {

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