[Zrouter-src] ZRouter.org: push to zconf++ zconf++/model.cc zconf++/model.h
zrouter-src at zrouter.org
zrouter-src at zrouter.org
Mon Jan 23 17:24:01 UTC 2012
details: /rev/ad6a1fb5049f
changeset: 50:ad6a1fb5049f
user: "Nicolai Petri <nicolai at petri.dk>"
date: Mon Jan 23 18:23:27 2012 +0100
Add initial support for enum_leaf.
enum_leaf is probably wrong name since it's basically a key=>value datatype.
Add initial version of array.containsValue(int)
Move entire implementation into model.cc
zconf++/model.cc | 240 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
zconf++/model.h | 214 ++++++++----------------------------------------
2 files changed, 254 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)
diffs (534 lines):
diff -r e94d6f37ea4a -r ad6a1fb5049f zconf++/model.cc
--- a/zconf++/model.cc Mon Jan 23 18:21:58 2012 +0100
+++ b/zconf++/model.cc Mon Jan 23 18:23:27 2012 +0100
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include "model.h"
using namespace std;
@@ -33,8 +34,218 @@
Model::Model() : Leaf() {
+ }
- }
+ void Leaf::check_type_const(const LeafType t) const
+ {
+ if (
+ m_type == empty_leaf
+ || m_type == t
+ || (m_type == enum_leaf && t == numeric_leaf)
+ || (m_type == enum_leaf && t == string_leaf)
+ ) {
+ // Unused leaf, let's just change type
+ //m_type = t;
+ } else if (m_type != t)
+ throw std::string("Type mismatch2");
+ };
+ void Leaf::check_type(LeafType t) {
+ if (m_type == empty_leaf) {
+ // Unused leaf, let's just change type
+ m_type = t;
+ } else if ((m_type == enum_leaf && t == numeric_leaf) || (m_type == enum_leaf && t == string_leaf)) {
+ // Enums can be handles as int and strings.
+ } else if (m_type != t)
+ throw std::string("Type mismatch");
+ };
+ LeafArray& Leaf::array() {
+ check_type(array_leaf);
+ return m_array;
+ }
+ LeafMap& Leaf::map() {
+ check_type(object_leaf);
+ return m_map;
+ }
+ Leaf Leaf::call(LeafRef p_request) {
+ check_type_const(action_leaf);
+ return m_action_handler->handler("dummy", *this, p_request);
+ }
+ LeafRef Leaf::describe() {
+ check_type_const(action_leaf);
+ return m_action_handler->describe();
+ }
+ const Leaf& Leaf::operator=(const Leaf& source) {
+ m_type = source.m_type;
+ if (m_type == empty_leaf) {
+ }
+ else if (m_type == string_leaf) {
+ m_value_string = source.m_value_string;
+ }
+ else if (m_type == numeric_leaf || m_type == boolean_leaf) {
+ m_value_int = source.m_value_int;
+ }
+ else if (m_type == real_leaf) {
+ m_value_real = source.m_value_real;
+ }
+ else if (m_type == object_leaf) {
+ m_map = source.m_map;
+ }
+ else if (m_type == array_leaf) {
+ m_array = source.m_array;
+ }
+ else if (m_type == action_leaf) {
+ m_action_handler = source.m_action_handler;
+ }
+ else if (m_type == enum_leaf) {
+ m_value_int = source.m_value_int;
+ m_value_string = source.m_value_string;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ };
+ Leaf::Leaf() : m_type(empty_leaf), m_parent(NULL) { };
+ Leaf::Leaf(const LeafType p_type)
+ : m_type(p_type),
+ m_parent(NULL)
+ { };
+ Leaf::Leaf(const Leaf& source)
+ : m_type(source.m_type)
+ , m_parent(NULL) {
+ if (m_type == empty_leaf) {
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (m_type == string_leaf) {
+ m_value_string = source.m_value_string;
+ }
+ else if (m_type == numeric_leaf || m_type == boolean_leaf) {
+ m_value_int = source.m_value_int;
+ }
+ else if (m_type == real_leaf) {
+ m_value_real = source.m_value_real;
+ }
+ else if (m_type == object_leaf) {
+ m_map = source.m_map;
+ }
+ else if (m_type == array_leaf) {
+ m_array = source.m_array;
+ }
+ else if (m_type == action_leaf) {
+ m_action_handler = source.m_action_handler;
+ }
+ else if (m_type == enum_leaf) {
+ m_value_int = source.m_value_int;
+ m_value_string = source.m_value_string;
+ }
+ };
+ Leaf::Leaf(const std::string& p_str ) : m_value_string(p_str), m_type(string_leaf) {
+ };
+ Leaf::Leaf(const int p_key, const std::string& p_str ) : m_value_string(p_str), m_value_int(p_key), m_type(enum_leaf) {
+ };
+ Leaf::Leaf( IModelActionHandler* p_action_hndl) : m_action_handler(p_action_hndl), m_type(action_leaf) { ; }
+ Leaf::Leaf(const int p_int ) : m_value_int(p_int), m_type(numeric_leaf) { };
+ Leaf::Leaf(const bool p_bool ) : m_value_int(p_bool), m_type(boolean_leaf) { };
+ Leaf::Leaf(const char* p_str) : m_value_string(p_str), m_type(string_leaf) { };
+ Leaf::Leaf(const double& p_val) :m_value_real(p_val), m_type(real_leaf) {
+ }
+ const bool Leaf::operator==(const std::string source) {
+ check_type(string_leaf);
+ return source == m_value_string;
+ }
+ const bool Leaf::operator==(const char *p_cstr) {
+ check_type(string_leaf);
+ return m_value_string == std::string(p_cstr);
+ }
+ Leaf& Leaf::operator[](const std::string& p_key) {
+ check_type(object_leaf);
+ if (m_map.find(p_key) == m_map.end()) {
+ m_map[p_key] = Leaf();
+ m_map[p_key].m_parent = this;
+ }
+ return m_map[p_key];
+ }
+ const LeafType Leaf::type() const
+ {
+ return m_type;
+ }
+ bool Leaf::contains(const std::string p_key) {
+ check_type_const(object_leaf);
+ return (m_map.find(p_key) != m_map.end());
+ }
+ bool Leaf::contains(const int p_idx) {
+ check_type_const(array_leaf);
+ return (p_idx < m_array.size());
+ }
+ bool Leaf::containsValue(const int p_value) {
+ check_type_const(array_leaf); // FIXME: We should support objects too
+ BOOST_FOREACH( LeafRef L, m_array ) {
+ if (L.m_type == numeric_leaf && L.get_int() == p_value)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ LeafRef Leaf::parent() const
+ {
+ return *m_parent;
+ }
+ Leaf& Leaf::operator[](const int p_idx) {
+ check_type(array_leaf);
+ if (p_idx >= m_array.size()) {
+ m_array.resize(p_idx+1, Leaf());
+ m_array[p_idx].m_parent = this;
+ }
+ return m_array[p_idx];
+ }
+ const std::string Leaf::get_string() const
+ {
+ check_type_const(string_leaf);
+ return m_value_string;
+ }
+ const std::string Leaf::get_string() {
+ check_type(string_leaf);
+ return m_value_string;
+ }
+ void Leaf::push_back(const Leaf& p_impl) {
+ check_type(array_leaf);
+ m_array.push_back(p_impl);
+ };
+ const int Leaf::numChildren() const
+ {
+ if (m_type == object_leaf)
+ return m_map.size();
+ else if (m_type == array_leaf)
+ return m_array.size();
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Leaf::operator const std::string () {
+ check_type_const(string_leaf);
+ return m_value_string;
+ }
+ const bool Leaf::get_bool() {
+ check_type_const(boolean_leaf);
+ return m_value_int != 0;
+ }
+ const int Leaf::get_int() {
+ check_type_const(numeric_leaf);
+ return m_value_int;
+ }
+ const double Leaf::get_real() {
+ check_type_const(real_leaf);
+ return m_value_real;
+ }
+ Leaf::operator const char* () {
+ check_type_const(string_leaf);
+ return m_value_string.c_str();
+ }
+ const bool Leaf::is_null() const
+ {
+ return m_type == empty_leaf;
+ }
Leaf Model::populate_system() {
Leaf s;
@@ -84,7 +295,6 @@
rv += format_json_string(l);
else if (l.type() == object_leaf) {
- //cout << " dumping " << " => object" << endl;
rv.reserve(4096); // Reserve just some space to avoid lots of reallocs
rv += "{\n";
LeafMap &m = l.map();
@@ -104,14 +314,8 @@
rv += indent + "}";
- /*std::list<std::string> keys = l.keys();
- for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); it++) {
- rv += indent + (*it) + " => " + write(l[*it], indent + "@@@@") + " \n";
- //cout << indent << " dumping " << (*it) << " => " << write(l[(*it)], indent + "@@@@") << endl;
- }*/
else if (l.type() == array_leaf) {
- //cout << " dumping " << " => array" << endl;
rv.reserve(4096); // Reserve just some space to avoid lots of reallocs
rv += "[\n";
LeafArray &a = l.array();
@@ -136,9 +340,11 @@
else if (l.type() == boolean_leaf) {
rv += l.get_bool() ? "true" : "false";
+ else if (l.type() == enum_leaf) {
+ rv += format_json_string(format_json_int(l.get_int()) + "::" + l.get_string());
+ }
else {
throw std::string("FIXME");
- //cout << "Foo biz baz" << endl;
// }
return rv;
@@ -148,12 +354,9 @@
// for (int c=0; c < l.numChildren(); c++) {
buf << indent;
if (l.type() == string_leaf) {
- // cout << " dumping " << " => " << l.get_string() << endl;
- //cout << indent << l.get_string() << endl;
buf << format_json_string(l);
else if (l.type() == object_leaf) {
- //cout << " dumping " << " => object" << endl;
buf << "{\n";
LeafMap &m = l.map();
LeafMap::iterator it = m.begin();
@@ -172,11 +375,6 @@
buf << indent << "}";
- /*std::list<std::string> keys = l.keys();
- for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); it++) {
- rv += indent + (*it) + " => " + write(l[*it], indent + "@@@@") + " \n";
- //cout << indent << " dumping " << (*it) << " => " << write(l[(*it)], indent + "@@@@") << endl;
- }*/
else if (l.type() == array_leaf) {
//cout << " dumping " << " => array" << endl;
@@ -202,15 +400,7 @@
else {
throw std::string("FIXME");
- //cout << "Foo biz baz" << endl;
- // }
-void dump_json(mObject &root) {
- std::cout << write_formatted(root) << std::endl;
diff -r e94d6f37ea4a -r ad6a1fb5049f zconf++/model.h
--- a/zconf++/model.h Mon Jan 23 18:21:58 2012 +0100
+++ b/zconf++/model.h Mon Jan 23 18:23:27 2012 +0100
@@ -65,183 +65,47 @@
IModelActionHandler *m_action_handler;
int m_value_int;
double m_value_real;
- void check_type_const(const LeafType t) const
- {
- if (m_type == empty_leaf || m_type == t) {
- // Unused leaf, let's just change type
- //m_type = t;
- } else if (m_type != t)
- throw std::string("Type mismatch2");
- };
- void check_type(LeafType t) {
- if (m_type == empty_leaf) {
- // Unused leaf, let's just change type
- m_type = t;
- } else if (m_type != t)
- throw std::string("Type mismatch");
- };
+ void check_type_const(const LeafType t) const;
+ void check_type(LeafType t);
- LeafArray& array() {
- check_type(array_leaf);
- return m_array;
- }
- LeafMap& map() {
- check_type(object_leaf);
- return m_map;
- }
- Leaf call(LeafRef p_request) {
- check_type_const(action_leaf);
- return m_action_handler->handler("dummy", *this, p_request);
- }
- LeafRef describe() {
- check_type_const(action_leaf);
- return m_action_handler->describe();
- }
- const Leaf& operator=(const Leaf& source) {
- m_type = source.m_type;
- if (m_type == empty_leaf) {
- }
- else if (m_type == string_leaf) {
- m_value_string = source.m_value_string;
- }
- else if (m_type == numeric_leaf || m_type == boolean_leaf) {
- m_value_int = source.m_value_int;
- }
- else if (m_type == real_leaf) {
- m_value_real = source.m_value_real;
- }
- else if (m_type == object_leaf) {
- m_map = source.m_map;
- }
- else if (m_type == array_leaf) {
- m_array = source.m_array;
- }
- else if (m_type == action_leaf) {
- m_action_handler = source.m_action_handler;
- }
- return *this;
- };
- Leaf() : m_type(empty_leaf), m_parent(NULL) { };
- Leaf(const Leaf& source)
- : m_type(source.m_type)
- , m_parent(NULL) {
- if (m_type == empty_leaf) {
- return;
- }
- else if (m_type == string_leaf) {
- m_value_string = source.m_value_string;
- }
- else if (m_type == numeric_leaf || m_type == boolean_leaf) {
- m_value_int = source.m_value_int;
- }
- else if (m_type == real_leaf) {
- m_value_real = source.m_value_real;
- }
- else if (m_type == object_leaf) {
- m_map = source.m_map;
- }
- else if (m_type == array_leaf) {
- m_array = source.m_array;
- }
- else if (m_type == action_leaf) {
- m_action_handler = source.m_action_handler;
- }
- };
- Leaf(const std::string& p_str ) : m_value_string(p_str), m_type(string_leaf) {
- };
- explicit Leaf( IModelActionHandler* p_action_hndl) : m_action_handler(p_action_hndl), m_type(action_leaf) { ; }
- Leaf(const int p_int ) : m_value_int(p_int), m_type(numeric_leaf) { };
- explicit Leaf(const bool p_bool ) : m_value_int(p_bool), m_type(boolean_leaf) { };
+ LeafArray& array();
+ LeafMap& map();
+ Leaf call(LeafRef p_request);
+ LeafRef describe();
+ const Leaf& operator=(const Leaf& source);
+ Leaf();
+ Leaf(const LeafType p_type);
+ Leaf(const Leaf& source);
+ Leaf(const std::string& p_str );
+ explicit Leaf(const int p_key, const std::string& p_str );
+ explicit Leaf( IModelActionHandler* p_action_hndl);
+ Leaf(const int p_int );
+ explicit Leaf(const bool p_bool );
- Leaf(const char* p_str) : m_value_string(p_str), m_type(string_leaf) { };
- explicit Leaf(const double& p_val) :m_value_real(p_val), m_type(real_leaf) {
- }
- Leaf& operator[](const std::string& p_key) {
- check_type(object_leaf);
- if (m_map.find(p_key) == m_map.end()) {
- m_map[p_key] = Leaf();
- m_map[p_key].m_parent = this;
- }
- return m_map[p_key];
- }
- const LeafType type() const
- {
- return m_type;
- }
- bool contains(const std::string p_key) {
- check_type_const(object_leaf);
- return (m_map.find(p_key) != m_map.end());
- }
- bool contains(const int p_idx) {
- check_type_const(array_leaf);
- return (p_idx < m_array.size());
- }
- LeafRef parent() const
- {
- return *m_parent;
- }
- Leaf& operator[](const int p_idx) {
- check_type(array_leaf);
- if (p_idx >= m_array.size()) {
- m_array.resize(p_idx+1, Leaf());
- m_array[p_idx].m_parent = this;
- }
- return m_array[p_idx];
- }
- const std::string get_string() const
- {
- check_type_const(string_leaf);
- return m_value_string;
- }
- const std::string get_string() {
- check_type(string_leaf);
- return m_value_string;
- }
- void push_back(const Leaf& p_impl) {
- check_type(array_leaf);
- m_array.push_back(p_impl);
- };
- const int numChildren() const
- {
- if (m_type == object_leaf)
- return m_map.size();
- else if (m_type == array_leaf)
- return m_array.size();
- else
- return 0;
- }
- operator const std::string () {
- check_type_const(string_leaf);
- return m_value_string;
- }
- const bool get_bool() {
- check_type_const(boolean_leaf);
- return m_value_int != 0;
- }
- const int get_int() {
- check_type_const(numeric_leaf);
- return m_value_int;
- }
- const double get_real() {
- check_type_const(real_leaf);
- return m_value_real;
- }
- operator const char* () {
- check_type_const(string_leaf);
- return m_value_string.c_str();
- }
- const bool is_null() const
- {
- return m_type == empty_leaf;
- }
- const bool operator==(const std::string source) {
- check_type(string_leaf);
- return source == m_value_string;
- }
- const bool operator==(const char *p_cstr) {
- check_type(string_leaf);
- return m_value_string == std::string(p_cstr);
- }
+ Leaf(const char* p_str);
+ explicit Leaf(const double& p_val);
+ Leaf& operator[](const std::string& p_key);
+ const LeafType type() const;
+ bool contains(const std::string p_key);
+ bool contains(const int p_idx);
+ bool containsValue(const int p_value);
+ LeafRef parent() const;
+ Leaf& operator[](const int p_idx);
+ const std::string get_string() const;
+ const std::string get_string();
+ void push_back(const Leaf& p_impl);
+ const int numChildren() const;
+ operator const std::string ();
+ const bool get_bool();
+ const int get_int();
+ const double get_real();
+ operator const char* ();
+ const bool is_null() const;
+ const bool operator==(const std::string source);
+ const bool operator==(const char *p_cstr);
class Model : public Leaf
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