[Zrouter-src] ZRouter.org: push to zconf++ zconf++/zconfig.cc

zrouter-src at zrouter.org zrouter-src at zrouter.org
Wed Feb 22 15:14:47 UTC 2012

details:   /rev/be9bc2e311d7
changeset: 66:be9bc2e311d7
user:      "Nicolai Petri <nicolai at petri.dk>"
date:      Wed Feb 22 16:14:02 2012 +0100
Add initial versions of config_save and config_load actions.


 zconf++/zconfig.cc |  30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (42 lines):

diff -r f95e4d975a6c -r be9bc2e311d7 zconf++/zconfig.cc
--- a/zconf++/zconfig.cc	Wed Feb 22 16:06:52 2012 +0100
+++ b/zconf++/zconfig.cc	Wed Feb 22 16:14:02 2012 +0100
@@ -117,8 +117,38 @@
 			return l;
+		Leaf action_save_config(const std::string &uri, LeafRef pSelf, LeafRef pRequest ) {
+			Leaf res;
+			std::string filepath = pRequest["path"].get_string();
+			LeafRef l = m_running->parent().parent()[pRequest["target"].get_string()];
+			try {
+				std::ofstream cfgfile(filepath.c_str());
+				ModelWriter::write(cfgfile, l, "");
+				res["success"] = "File saved";
+			} catch (...) {
+				res["error"] = "Unknown error";
+			}
+			return res;
+		}
+		Leaf action_load_config(const std::string &uri, LeafRef pSelf, LeafRef pRequest ) {
+			Leaf res;
+			std::string filepath = pRequest["path"].get_string();
+			if (boost::filesystem::exists(filepath)) {
+				std::cout << " - loading saved configuration from " << filepath << std::endl;
+				std::ifstream cfgfile(filepath.c_str());
+				Json::Reader r;
+				LeafRef l = m_running->parent().parent()[pRequest["target"].get_string()];
+				r.parse(cfgfile, l);
+				res["success"]="File loaded";
+			} else {
+				res["error"]="File not found";
+			}
+			return res;
+		}
 		bool self_init(boost::asio::io_service &io, Model &model) {
 			LeafRef cfg = model["configuration"];
+			cfg["config_load"] = ACTION_HANDLER(Z_Config_Module, this, action_load_config, describe_dummy);
+			cfg["config_save"] = ACTION_HANDLER(Z_Config_Module, this, action_save_config, describe_dummy);
 			m_running = &cfg["running"];
 			m_configured = &cfg["configured"];
 			if (boost::filesystem::exists("saved_configuration.json")) {

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